Personalised Treatment Trials:
Monitoring and Improving the Connection of Treatments to Patients

The study will deeply characterise patients before, during and after treatments are trialled through their General Practitioner (GP). Producing large scale data in combination with treatment outcome will be used to produce a predictive algorithm to improve the connection of patients to appropriate treatment options sooner.

  • Natalie Thomas, PhD
  • Katherine Huang, PhD
  • David Fineberg, MBBS, FRACGP, DCH
  • Neil McGregor, PhD
  • Michael Menden, PhD
  • Christopher Armstrong, PhD
  • We have ethics approval for the first part of the project, and recruitment has begun.
  • The ethics application for the main trial has been submitted, and we are awaiting approval.
  • We have engaged another PhD student and a post-doctoral researcher who will begin in September 2024.

We’re conducting a study to closely watch how different treatments affect ME/CFS and Long COVID patients, using a very tailored approach. We’ll collect samples from patients before, during, and after their treatment to see what biological changes happen and how these relate to whether they feel better or not. This method will help us figure out which treatments work, why they work, and who they work best for.

We plan to study 200 patients over three years. Each patient will be part of the study for about 3 to 4 months, during which they will try 2 to 3 different treatments. This includes three visits to the clinic and involves analysing many samples they provide, like blood and urine. This large collection of data from all the patients will help us make better predictions about which treatments are most likely to help others in the future.


  1. Pattern biology that corresponds to symptom/disease changes induced by treatment.
  2. Sample blood before and after exertion as a measure of improved exertion tolerance.
  3. Cluster patients based on biology-symptom dynamic and identify effective treatments.

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