Metabolic Differentiation of ME/CFS Comorbidities IBS and Fibromyalgia
This study will investigate the metabolite signatures of ME/CFS patient stool, urine and blood samples and the impact that co-morbidities (IBS and Fibromyalgia) have on these signatures.
Single Day Longitudinal Study
This study seeks to understand the biological mechanisms driving the symptomatology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) using metabolomic and lipidomic high-throughput analysis and high-frequency blood sampling over a 6.5 to 7.5 hour period conducted at two separate sites (Melbourne and Uppsala).
Deep Proteome and Metabolome Profiling
Collaborate with OMF CRCs in Uppsala and Melbourne to establish a global perspective.
Decode the molecular mechanisms underlying ME/CFS and contributing to specific symptoms with a particular emphasis of post-exertional malaise (PEM) through:
Deep phenotyping of ME patients
Global proteomic plasma profiling of ME patients
Global metabolomics plasma profiling of ME patients
Ocular Motor Study for ME/CFS
The aim of this project is to fully characterise eye movement changes in ME/CFS on two consecutive days, identifying an ocular motor signature that is unique to the disorder.
Cellular Nitrogen and Energy Metabolism in ME/CFS
This project aims to test the nitrogen hypothesis, which is that damaging, nitrogen-containing by-products of energy metabolism accumulate more readily in the cells of ME/CFS patients.
SPOT-ME: Serial Pediatric Omics Tracking in ME/CFS
This study seeks to understand pathological mechanisms of pediatric ME/CFS (13 to 18 years old), using case-control and longitudinal study design that meshes clinical measures and omics methods.
Characterizing B cells in ME/CFS
This study aims to broadly evaluate B cell subsets, metabolism, viability, receptors, and antibodies in people with ME/CFS.